

AUO's Corporate Governance Blueprint


AUO voluntarily emphasizes corporate governance, and we have also complied with the Financial Supervisory Commission‘s Corporate Governance 3.0 Sustainable Development Blueprint to enhance the Company’s sustainable development and strengthen our international competitiveness, ultimately developing into a sustainable and outstanding enterprise.

Implementation status of corporate governance related affairs in 2022
  • All members of the Board have completed at least six credits of continuing education.
  • AUO's corporate governance evaluation has been ranked in the top 5% for eight consecutive years.e
  • Performance evaluations of the Board of Directors and functional committees have shown results exceeding the standards.

Board of Directors Meetings


Audit Committee Meetings


Remuneration Committee Meetings


Shareholders’ Meeting


Sustainability and ERM Executive Committee Meetings


Corporate Governance Committee Meetings


Board of Directors


The duties of AUO’s Board of Directors include: Supervising the Company’s strategy, monitoring the management and the operation, and arrangement of the corporate governance system. It is also responsible for the Company and the Shareholders’ Meeting, and exercises its powers in accordance with the law, the regulations of Articles of Incorporation, or the resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meetings. In addition, through the disclosure of the Directors’ attendance at Board Meetings and interest avoidance status in the annual report, the requirements of each Director’s own responsibilities and obligations are emphasized to ensure the performance of Company monitoring and management.

Board Diversification

In accordance with the Company’s Corporate Governance Code, the board’s composition must consider the diversity. Company managers cannot make up more than one-third of the seats on the board, and appropriate diversity guidelines with regard to its operations, business situation and development needs must be drawn up to include standards regarding at least but not limited to the following two aspects:

  • Basic conditions and values: gender and age.
  • Specialist knowledge and skills: Specialist background, specialist skills, and industry experiences, etc.

Overall results
  • The result of the Board’s internal self-assessment was“exceeding the standards.”
  • The Board members are experts, autonomous and diverse
  • The Board of Directors oversees the operational departments’ planning and implementation of sustainability-related issues and the Company Leads the industry by being the first to appoint a Chief Sustainability Officer.

Independent Director seats

exceeds   50   

Female Director seats

at least   3   

Board members with a management position within the Company

did not exceed   1/3

Board Performance Evaluation

The Board of Directors proactively implements sustainability governance, is deeply involved in the Company’s operations, and exhibits a high degree of self-discipline.
The performance of the Board of Directors is assessed annually


Governance organization operation and execution

Go Beyond CSR,
Create Shared Values