AUO Sustainability Scholarship

AUO Sustainability Scholarship

Integrity is a core value of AUO


Since 2006, AUO has initiated a sustainable scholarship donation activity where employees voluntarily donate part of their salary to assist economically disadvantaged students.


Starting from 2021, the cooperation with Teach for Taiwan (tft) will be expanded to promote campus science popularization and environmental education programs. Teachers from TFT will lead students in conducting science popularization and environmental protection activities on campus, inspiring children's interest in science, environmental protection, or cultural preservation issues.

Website for the Sustainability Literacy Scholarship
2025 Targets
  • Subsidy amount: Approximately NT$168 million
  • Donors: Around 36,000 people
  • Recipients: Over 47,000 people
Employee voluntary donations

Employees voluntarily donate one or multiple days of their salaries to the AUO Sustainability Scholarship

Students learn with peace of mind

Help students from poor families or those that suffered an abrupt change in circumstances continue with their studies

Possess integrity

Elementary and junior high school students from poor families of good character who strive for elf-improvement are prioritized to help them continue with their studies.

Earmarked fund

All donations are put on record and used only for scholars and camp events.

Cooperate with Education Bureau

AUO has collaborated with the education departments in Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Taichung City , Tainan City and Pingtung County to nominate and select eligible students so that the money can go to students that truly need it.

DADA’s Magic Science Camp

Starting in December 2016, AUO also partnered with the National Museum of Natural Science and the Yuan T. Lee Foundation to organize “DADA’s Magic Science Camp”,1-day science camps for junior high school students given the scholarship. The camp boosted the influence of the scholarship while giving back to society.


A survey found that DADA’s Magic Science Camp helped with the students’ learning performance and development of personal relations.

  • One out of every two students that took part became interested in science due to the event.
  • One in five also met new friends through the event.

DADA' s Magic Science Camp video


SROI, Social Return on Investment: Third-party quantitative analysis of DADA’s Magic Land in 2017 conducted by KPMG found that every dollar of AUO Sustainability Scholarship invested by AUO in DADA’s Magic Science Camp made a very large and positive contribution society by generating $9.12 of social value.


Go Beyond CSR,
Create Shared Values