Science Education

Science Education

Giving Back to Society through Corporate Resources and Expertise


AUO has long drawn upon our core expertise to promote grassroots popular science education in opto-electronics as well as environmental education. By inspiring student’s interest in science and learning, we hope they can apply what they learned to everyday life and enjoy the fun of technology.


is based on the outcomes of the 2017 DADA’s Magic Science Camp



1863025    persons

Course Attendance

241178    persons

Volunteer Input

6525    persons

Service Hours

26215    hours

Optoelectronic Education

AUO has long supported the cultivation of scientific talent. We actively promote optoelectronic science education at the grassroots level. To inspire student interest in science, AUO applied our expertise in optoelectronics to the hosting of science camps. We also donated “DADA’s Magic Land” to the National Museum of Natural Science to boost student interest in learning about science through hands-on experience. They can then apply what they learned to everyday life and enjoy the fun of technology.

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Environmental Education

AUO has long striven to achieve a balance between corporate development and protection of the natural environment protection. We have continued to invest in public environmental education to demonstrate our commitment to giving back to society.

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