Organization of the Corporate Sustainability

Organization of the Corporate Sustainability

Medium and Long-term Sustainable Development Strategy

AUO has established a Sustainability Committee (upgraded to the Sustainability & ERM Committee in 2023) as the highest governance body for the company's sustainable development operations. It continues to strategically promote the corporate sustainability transformation through the Sustainability Office and dedicated sustainability units, coordinating the strategic direction of medium to long-term sustainability development.

Integrating the Sustainable Development Strategy with Core AUO Operations.

The AUO core philosophy of sustainability attaches great importance to stakeholder management and communication as well as both financial and non-financial performance. The AUO CSR road map aims to realize the AUO sustainability vision by “Go Beyond CSR, Create Shared Values.”

Sustainability & ERM Committee
ESG and Climate Committee
Established the position of CSO and a dedicated CSR unit
CSR Committee was established
AUO Green Solution
Core Strategic Policy

Go Beyond CSR,Create Shared Values

Go Beyond CSR,Create Shared Values

Sustainability & ERM Committee Operations

The "Sustainability & ERM Committee" consists of the Chairman and 2 independent directors. They meet twice a year and supervise sub-committees focused on sustainability and risk. Senior managers lead the sub-committees, translating the vision into goals and strategies, conducting monthly reviews, reporting major issues quarterly to the Chairman for decisions, and reporting annually on operations to the board following CSR guidelines.


Working principles of each group

Operations Sustainability


  • Take action on climate issues by engaging in mitigation, adaptation and action all at the same time.
  • Examine resource value and look for circular business opportunities based on system scale.
Supply Chain Sustainability
  • Embrace advocacy, sharing and mentoring to build a CSR eco-system with suppliers.
Corporate Citizenship
  • Talent cultivation and grassroots education
  • Strengthen CSR DNA and volunteer power, emphasize environment and culture, and create social value
Business Risk Management
  • Monitor global risk trends
  • Establish structural risk management processes
  • Reduce operating impact and identify business opportunities
Stakeholders Engagement
  • Qualitative and quantitative engagement through a variety of channels
  • Cultivate relations with business partners

The SDGs Focus on Value Chain


AUO combined the AUO CSR EPS sustainability themes with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The relevance of SDGs to businesses, operations or the up- and down-stream business activities were examined in terms of the overall value chain in order to expand our positive influence, reduce or avoid negative impacts, and fulfill the sustainable development goals within the company.


Six Key CSR Themes and Outcomes


AUO initiatives are aligned with the six key themes of "Corporate Governance," "Environmental Sustainability,""Science Education," "Cultural Preservation," "Social Citizenship" and "Inclusive Workplace." AUO has also leveraged its own expertise, site attributes and self-expectations to expand its influence to stakeholders. AUO seeks to become a CSR benchmark enterprise for the value chain and work together to create a CSR eco-system.

Corporate Governance

Demonstrate professional governanceby strengthening the structure and operation of the Board, providing stakeholders with more balanced disclosure, and protecting investor interests.

Environmental Sustainability

Adapt to climate change through green products, green manufacturing, circular economy and other dimensions. Strive to reduce the impact on the environment by exceeding mandatory laws and specifications.

Science Education

Build on the core business to promote science education to the general public. In addition to crafting the largest learning facilities for photonics and visual display principles in Taiwan, AUO is also the first manufacturing enterprise in Taiwan to possess two environmental education sites.

Cultural Preservation

Factory construction at the Suzhou, Xiamen and Taichung sites followed the principle of respecting and protecting local cultural heritage. Exhibition spaces were set aside for visitors so that technology can exist in harmony with culture.

Social Citizenship

AUO is not only active supporter of charitable initiatives but also encourages employees to take part as well. Partnerships have been formed with other nonprofit organizations to consolidate resources and give back to society.

Inclusive Workplace

Employees are provided with comprehensive systems and facilities for work, life, learning and career development. Outstanding progress has been made in areas such as gender equality in the workplace, ethic and multi-generational fusion, exceeding the quota for disabled employees and looking after the mothers.

Go Beyond CSR,
Create Shared Values