Medium and Long-term Sustainable Development Strategy
AUO has established a Sustainability Committee (upgraded to the Sustainability & ERM Committee in 2023) as the highest governance body for the company's sustainable development operations. It continues to strategically promote the corporate sustainability transformation through the Sustainability Office and dedicated sustainability units, coordinating the strategic direction of medium to long-term sustainability development.
Integrating the Sustainable Development Strategy with Core AUO Operations.
The AUO core philosophy of sustainability attaches great importance to stakeholder management and communication as well as both financial and non-financial performance. The AUO CSR road map aims to realize the AUO sustainability vision by “Go Beyond CSR, Create Shared Values.”
Core Strategic Policy
Go Beyond CSR,Create Shared Values
Go Beyond CSR,Create Shared Values
Sustainability & ERM Committee Operations
The "Sustainability & ERM Committee" consists of the Chairman and 2 independent directors. They meet twice a year and supervise sub-committees focused on sustainability and risk. Senior managers lead the sub-committees, translating the vision into goals and strategies, conducting monthly reviews, reporting major issues quarterly to the Chairman for decisions, and reporting annually on operations to the board following CSR guidelines.

Working principles of each group
Operations Sustainability
Technology/Business/Energy/Manufacturing |
Supply Chain Sustainability |
Corporate Citizenship |
Business Risk Management |
Stakeholders Engagement |

The SDGs Focus on Value Chain
AUO combined the AUO CSR EPS sustainability themes with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The relevance of SDGs to businesses, operations or the up- and down-stream business activities were examined in terms of the overall value chain in order to expand our positive influence, reduce or avoid negative impacts, and fulfill the sustainable development goals within the company.
Six Key CSR Themes and Outcomes
AUO initiatives are aligned with the six key themes of "Corporate Governance," "Environmental Sustainability,""Science Education," "Cultural Preservation," "Social Citizenship" and "Inclusive Workplace." AUO has also leveraged its own expertise, site attributes and self-expectations to expand its influence to stakeholders. AUO seeks to become a CSR benchmark enterprise for the value chain and work together to create a CSR eco-system.