Go Beyond CSR, Create Shared Values
AUO has been able to accomplish the ESG concept of “environmental, social and corporate governance” during its rapid growth with positive impact.
Our accomplishments were recognized by a number of international sustainability ratings and we achieved our best showing yet in Taiwanese awards. We have remained steadfast to our roots through all this years.
Our competitiveness has been boosted by assigning equal importance to financial and non-financial performance. To inject more energy into our transformation efforts!
Chairman of AUO Paul SL Peng

AUO established a dedicated CSR unit and the position of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) in 2018 to direct our corporate sustainability development. Organizational reforms were also used to reshape our culture so that all managers and employees can practice and participate in CSR. We can then continue to shine in the six aspects of corporate governance, environmental sustainability, science education, cultural preservation, social citizenship and inclusive workplace.The operations of the CSR Committee can also focus our efforts on SDGs that can take advantage of our company's advantages and create a road map for our short, medium and long-term development. The three key axes of Environment (environmental sustainability), People (inclusive growth) and Society (agile innovation) will now define our 2025 sustainability goals.