Caring for the Disabled

Caring for the Disabled

Equal Recruitment and Multiple Opportunities

AUO upholds our core value of “Care for Society” by providing fair recruitment and selection as well as a diverse range of job opportunities for the disadvantaged groups.

We have actively supported the government’s policy of encouraging the employment of people with disabilities since 2008. We exceed the hiring quota every year and have won numerous awards for being an outstanding employer of people with disabilities. The initiative exemplifies our initiative to support the disadvantaged and create opportunities for inclusive employment.


Adaptive design

Planning of adaptive and varied job openings, job re-design

Lectures by experts

Invite experts from related fields to teach classes

Mentoring scheme

Establish a work mentoring scheme

Inclusive Workplace

Building the most adaptive workplace environment

Hosting of regular on-site lectures delivered by famous people with disabilities
Regular recruitment events
Assign counselors to visually impaired applicants
Provide a positive dining environment
Provide suitable assistive tools-Elevator modification
Provide suitable assistive tools-Vibrating wrist watches
AUO received the 15th Golden Wingspan Award
Go Beyond CSR,
Create Shared Values