Global Charity Events

Global Charity Events

Charity clubs and events


To fulfill our philosophy of caring for social welfare and helping local disadvantaged groups, employees at AUO plantssite around the world have set up charity clubs and taken part in plantthe charity events. These include making regular visits to charities to provide companionship, cleaning, mentoring, gift-giving, fund-raising at the plant and other charitable activities. Such services help their targets continue their education, receive early treatment and stock up for holiday festivals.

Charitable Activity Features

AUO established AUO Foundation in 2019, making an impact on key sustainable development areas such as environmental protection, science education as well as social and cultural participation. It also developed a comprehensive volunteer system that recruited Charity Volunteers, Green Volunteers, Education Volunteers and Culture Volunteers. Enthusiastic participation by employees led to more than 7,400 volunteer service sessions totaling over 22,000 hours in 2019.

2025 Targets
  • Increase volunteer participation from 27,783 to 88,000 times
  • Increase hours of service from 43,927 to 180,000 hours


8,218  persons

Service hours

109,655.5  hours

Go Beyond CSR,
Create Shared Values