Materiality Assessment Process
Assessing the relevance of issues based on global sustainability trends and GRI guidelines involves using surveys to understand stakeholders' concerns regarding the company's environmental, social (including human rights), and corporate governance aspects. A dual materiality assessment method is established to evaluate the operational impact of ESG issues on the company, with key partners in the company's value chain. External sustainability development impacts are evaluated based on the GRI Universal Standards 2021, integrating methodologies developed by the Value Balancing Alliance and the Harvard Business School's Impact-Weighted Accounts research project. This framework constructs an impact-based analysis process to identify material topics.
AUO Sustainability Impact Valuation Report

Risk Impact Assessment Process

Identification and Analysis of Material Issues for 2023
- Environmental
- Social
- Corporate Governance

Material Topics and Boundaries
Issue Boundary | Significance to Operations | Level of Involvement (Direct/Indirect) |
Significance | Significance | Corresponding GRI Principle | Corresponding Chapter | |||||||
AUO | Crystal | Local Communties | Suppliers / Contractors | Transportation Companies | Waste Companies | Customers | |||||||
Taiwan | Mainland China | Overseas | |||||||||||
Sustainable Governance Operation | From the Board of Directors, Committees to all employees can effectively implement the goals and visions through systematic operation, and avoid the risk of violating laws and establish the same values. | Direct | GRI 102-Governance | 1.3 Governance Organization Data Overview |
Integrity Management | "Integrity" is fundamental to the corporation. Only with perfect management policies and smooth communication channels can avoid violations of anti-corruption and anti-competitive behaviors. | Indirect | GRI 205 GRI 206 |
1.4 Business Integrity | |||||||||
Stakeholder | The management of a good relationship with stakeholders helps in building the company's image and brand. Listening to the voice to the needs can also expand the opportunities to form a good ecosystem. | Direct | GRI 102 -Stake- holder Communication |
2.3 Stakeholder Management | |||||||||
Operating Risk | Identify and manage risks effectively and promptly through good system mechanisms and practice to allow the corporation to restore its operational capability quickly when it encounters damages. | Direct | GRI 102 - Strategy | 1.5 Risk Management | |||||||||
Supply Chain Management | The risk control, management mechanisms Management must be established in order to achieve sustainable development | Direct | GRI 204 GRI 308 GRI 414 |
2.5 Responsible Supply Chain Data Overview | |||||||||
Technological Innovation and Market Strategy | Customer management, product operation,market strategy, new business development,as well as R&D are the core key to the company's competitiveness | Direct | GRI 204 GRI 308 GRI 414 |
5.1 Intellectual 5.2 Panel Innovation Technology Data Overview |
Issue Boundary | Significance to Operations | Level of Involvement (Direct/Indirect) |
Significance | Significance | Corresponding GRI Principle | Corresponding Chapter | |||||||
AUO | Crystal | Local Communties | Suppliers / Contractors | Transportation Companies | Waste Companies | Customers | |||||||
Taiwan | Mainland China | Overseas | |||||||||||
Climate Change | Facing impacts of climate change, appropriately implementing mitigation and adaption actions,thinking about life cycle management to identify risks and opportunities, are the tasks that any corporation must face and respond to at the earliest possible time. | Direct | GRI 302 GRI 305 |
3.I Climate Change Data Overview |
Energy Management | Facing the scale of manufacturing electricity consumption, the trend of energy transition Energy and the impact of national energy policies,Management strengthen energy eficiency and stabilizing sources is regarded as an important production capability. | Direct | GRI 302 | 3.1 Climate Change Data Overview |
Water Resource Management | Water resource is a key element of production. Facing the scarcity of resources and weather patterns in production bases, it is important to effectively engage with relevant organizations and external stakeholders. | Direct | GRI 303 | 3.2 Water Resource Management Data Overview |
Green Product | Develop green products and services/ a rigorous green material certification and conflict minerals management mechanism, to be able to gain customer trust and be environmentally friendly. | Indirect | GRI 302 GRI 407 |
2.4 Customer Relations 3.3 Circular and Clean Production 5.2 Panel Innovation Technology |
Circular Production | In response to the scarcity of earth's resources and landill sites, and international trends,innovative technologies for waste reduction and reuse can help reduce production impacts and open up new business opportunities. | Direct | GRI 301 | 3.3 Circular and Clean Production Data Overview |
Technological Innovation and Market Strategy | Air pollution caused by the production process will not only affect the environment, but also affect the relationship with the surrounding neighborhood; therefore, improving management can reduce the risk of violating the laws and create a good relationship. | Indirect | GRI 305 | 3.3.3 Air Pollution ManagementData Data Overview |
Issue Boundary | Significance to Operations | Level of Involvement (Direct/Indirect) |
Significance | Significance | Corresponding GRI Principle | Corresponding Chapter | |||||||
AUO | Crystal | Local Communties | Suppliers / Contractors | Transportation Companies | Waste Companies | Customers | |||||||
Taiwan | Mainland China | Overseas | |||||||||||
Talent Attraction and Retention | Provide employees with fair and complete remuneration, benefits and policies, so that the manpower is stable, in order to bring up the competitiveness of the company. | Indirect | GRI 201 GRI 202 GRI 405 |
4. I Talent Attraction and Retention Data Overview |
Diversity and Equal Opportunities | A friendly workplace that values employee protection, equal rights gender empowerment and care for disadvantaged, can attract diverse talents from around the world and build a good company reputation. | Indirect | GRI 405 GRI 406 GRI 408 GRI 409 GRI 411 GRI 412 |
4.1 Talent Attraction and Retention 4.3 Human Rights Protection |
Talent Development | Set up complete employee job functional training, career development, performance appraisal, can build an excellent team and create profitability. | Indirect | GRI 404 | 4.2 Talent Development | |||||||||
Human Rights and Labor Management Relationship | Reduce the disputes and form a good labor management relationship through the establishment of a complete human rights policy and smooth channels to reduce the negative image of the company. | Indirect | GRI 401 GRI 402 GRI 405 GRI 406 GRI 407 GRI 408 GRI 409 GRI 411 GRI 412 |
4.1.3 Remuneration and Benefits 4.1.4 Happy Workplace 4.3 Human Rights Protection Data Overview |
Occupational Health and Safety | Employees and contractors are important human capital of the company. Ensuring the safety of the working environment and the health of personnel can reduce the loss of human capital and smooth production operations. | Indirect | GRI 403 | 4.4 Health and Safety Data Overview |
Human Rights and Labor Management Relationship | Contribute our own expertise and extend the joint participation of the value chain, in addition to fulfilling social responsibilities, and cohering centripetal force and the company's social influence. | Indirect | GRI 203 GRI 413 |
4.5 Social Participation Data Overview |